Identification of different goods and barcodes with random alignment and print quality

Omni-portal scanners OPS at a large Spanish retail chain enable a range of goods and barcodes of random alignment and print quality to be automatically identified.

Goods from thousands of different suppliers arrive at the distribution center daily. To enable these to be stored in the warehouse and subsequently delivered to several thousand shops, the goods must be reliably identified in goods receipt. Varying conveyor system widths and object sizes, high conveyor velocities, the use of different types of barcodes as well as poor quality codes place high requirements on the automatic identification.

This problem was solved with series 18xx omni-portal scanners OPS. With 18 read heads per portal, these are the most complex system that SICK has ever built anywhere in the world. Different size objects are reliably identified irrespective of the alignment. The software for the OPS was further developed such that all aspects in relation to code type, code length, code identifier etc. can be taken into account. In this way, along with the code qualities A and B that the system acquires as standard, “poorer” codes of quality C, D and F can also be read. Signals and data are output over RS-422 and Profibus DP interfaces. During the Solution of the project, changes and additions from the customer were quickly and easily incorporated by adding individual scanners using Plug & Play. Any code readers that have failed can be rapidly replaced without the need for re-configuration and without affecting the overall function of the system.

In operation the OPS ensure a high level of reliability during identification – and thus the overall function of the distribution center.

This is an application from SICK.
Tri-Phase Automation is a SICK distributor in Wisconsin.
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